कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी (English) सेंट अप परीक्षा 2025 का प्रश्नपत्र उत्तर सहित:- पोस्ट में बिहार बोर्ड से आयोजित सेंट अप परीक्षा 2025 का प्रश्न पत्र दिया गया है । तो जितने भी छात्र-छात्राएं 12वीं की परीक्षा 2025 में बिहार बोर्ड से देंगे। तो आपके लिये स्कूल स्तर पर sent up exam 2025 का आयोजन 11 नवंबर से 18 नवंबर तक हो रहा है । आप के सेंट अप परीक्षा के अंग्रेजी विषय का अरिजनल प्रश्न पत्र उत्तर के साथ दिया गया है । इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड 12वीं सेंट अप परीक्षा 2025 के अंग्रेजी विषय का प्रश्न पत्र उत्तर के साथ डाउनलोड कर सकते है।
नोट– यह प्रश्नपत्र और उत्तर 12th के सेंट अप परीक्षा 2024 का है Arts, Commerce, science, का अंग्रेजी का पेपर का परीक्षा एक ही प्रश्न पत्र से होगा।
Bihar Board Class 12th sent up exam English Question Paper With Answer
इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से सेंट अप परीक्षा के English विषय के प्रश्न पत्र का PDF डाउनलोड कर सकते है । इसके साथ-साथ Objective और Subjective प्रश्नों का उत्तर भी डाउनलोड कर सकते है ।
12th sent up exam 2025- EXAM CENTER
इस परीक्षा का आयोजन आपके विद्यालय के स्तर पर होगा। अर्थात की जिस भी विद्यालय में आपका नामांकन है। उसी में जाकर आपको परीक्षा देना पड़ेगा ।
Admit Card Of 12th sent up exam 2025
इस परीक्षा के लिए बिहार बोर्ड के तरफ से कोई भी ऑफिशियल एडमिट कार्ड जारी नहीं किया जाएगा। क्योंकि यह आपके विद्यालय के स्तर पर आयोजित होने वाला एकमात्र जांच परीक्षा है।
प्रश्न पत्र कहां से आएगा ?
कक्षा 12वीं के सेंट अप परीक्षा 2025 का प्रश्न पत्र में 100% पुरे सिलेबस से प्रश्न रहेगा |
कॉपी का जांच कहां होगा ?
कक्षा 12वीं के सेंट अप परीक्षा के कॉपी का मूल्यांकन आपके विद्यालय के स्तर पर ही होगा।
CLASS 12 sent up exam English Question Paper

CLASS 12TH | sent up exam 2025 |
SESSION | 2023-25 |
SUBJECT/CODE | English-106-206-306 |
EXAM DATE | 23/11/2024 |
TIME | 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM |
BSEB Class 12th sent up exam 2025 English Objective Answer Key –
Q.N. | ANS | Q.N. | ANS | Q.N. | ANS | Q.N. | ANS |
1. | A | 26. | D | 51. | A | 76. | B |
2. | B | 27. | A | 52. | D | 77. | C |
3. | A | 28. | A | 53. | A | 78. | C |
4. | B | 29. | C | 54. | C | 79. | A |
5. | A | 30. | A | 55. | C | 80. | B |
6. | D | 31. | A | 56. | A | 81. | D |
7. | D | 32. | C | 57. | D | 82. | D |
8. | A | 33. | A | 58. | A | 83. | D |
9. | A | 34. | A | 59. | A | 84. | C |
10. | D | 35. | C | 60. | A | 85. | B |
11. | C | 36. | D | 61. | C | 86. | B |
12. | B | 37. | B | 62. | B | 87. | A |
13. | C | 38. | B | 63. | A | 88. | A |
14. | D | 39. | D | 64. | C | 89. | A |
15. | D | 40. | D | 65. | B | 90. | C |
16. | D | 41. | C | 66. | D | 91. | A |
17. | C | 42. | B | 67. | C | 92. | A |
18. | B | 43. | C | 68. | D | 93. | B |
19. | D | 44. | D | 69. | A | 94. | D |
20. | A | 45. | C | 70. | B | 95. | C |
21. | D | 46. | A | 71. | D | 96. | B |
22. | A | 47. | A | 72. | B | 97. | B |
23. | D | 48. | C | 73. | A | 98. | A |
24. | C | 49. | A | 74. | D | 99. | C |
25. | A | 50. | D | 75. | C | 100. | B |
नोट– यह प्रश्नपत्र और उत्तर 12th के सेंट अप परीक्षा 2024 का है Arts, Commerce, science, का अंग्रेजी का पेपर का परीक्षा एक ही प्रश्न पत्र से होगा।
12th sent up exam English Subjective Question Download Link –
नीचे दिए गए लिंक से आप सब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न का उत्तर पीडीएफ़ फॉर्मेट में डाउनलोड कर सकते है ।
नोट- यह प्रश्नपत्र और उत्तर 12th के सेंट अप परीक्षा 2024 का है । English Question Paper
(Descriptive Type Questions)
1. Write an essay on any one of the following in about 150-200 words:
ANS- ‘The most important wealth in the world is our health. Today, everyone is running after a materialistic life, ignoring true happiness and their well-being. In this chaotic and digital world, the phrase “health is wealth” holds great importance. It reminds us that having good health is the foundation on which a fulfilling life is built. Speaking of the advantages of having good health, it allows us to enjoy life to the fullest. Without having a healthy mind and body the whole process becomes elusive. Moreover, success and productivity depend on being in excellent health. It enables people to achieve their goals, work productively, and give back to society. An unwell person frequently encounters obstacles that prevent them from realising their hopes and dreams. Keeping one’s health is also an investment in the future. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are two preventative healthcare practices that can assist in avoiding the need for future, expensive medical treatments. It is important to take a responsible approach to protecting one’s general well-being as well as one’s financial wealth.
2. Explain any one of the following:
ANS- (D)- The present line has been taken from the most reading lesson “A Pinch of Snuff” which has been written by Manohar Malgaonkar in comedian style. In this story the maternal uncle of the narrator Nanukaka is arriving at the narrator’s house to see some minister. The narrator was very sad to hear the purpose of arriving his maternal uncle. He knows that he vexes the narrator so much. So, first he tries to convince his mother to inform him that we are out of station but his mother says that nothing can happen he is at the station and you have to pick up him. The mother is waiting on the doorstep, her face wreathed in smiles to see her own brother with her favourite kittens, but the narrator was tensed.
3. Explain any one of the following:
ANS- (B) These lines have been taken from our poem “The Soilder” which has been written by Rupert Brooke, who was himself a soldier of his country England. Through these lines the poet is expressing his heartly desire that my country is so great of which I am grateful, if I die in a foreign field, I should be buried there I would accept that the piece of land where I have been buried is England.
4. Write a letter to your friend asking him about his preparation for admission to a medical college.
ANS- Sumit Kumar
Examination hall,
Bettiah, 201014 13 November 2024
Dear Rohit,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits .I hope you and everyone else in your family are doing great. As you know, the exams are overhead and the pressure is real! I’ve been burning the midnight oil and focusing entirely on exam preparation.There are certain things I wanted to discuss and tell you about. Earlier, while I was preparing for the exams, everything seemed so hard and I was afraid that I might fail. But then I talked to my seniors and teachers, who gave me some brilliant study ideas, like starting with the basics and memorizing formulas I’ve also started using mnemonic devices and flashcards to memorize key concepts. How are you holding up champ? I’d love to hear about your strategies and any interesting stories from your study sessions. Maybe we can plan a study group or even just grab a coffee to recharge together.
Looking forward to catching up with you soon. Take care, and wishing you all the best in your exams!Take care and study smart!
Warm regards,
Sumit Kumar
5. Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each:
b)ANS- Nanukaka talked of hazarat barkat ali the ambassador, in such a tone as if he were his best friend. He also talked about his foreign tour and his contracts with VIP. Sohanlal wants a favour from the ambassador for his son. Thus ,nanukaka impressed him.
c) ANS- t was Seibei’s hobby to wander about the town almost daily looking for gourds. He was deeply interested in buying and collecting it from the market and arrange it on the walls of his house.
D) ANS- The immediate impact of poverty in the medical field is the cultural dominance of western technology.
E) ANS- All fruits get ripened and flowers bloom in autumn. All the birds start to sing to see the sweetness of the season.
F) ANS- The speaker thinks about the beauty that is short-lived and will disappear one day or another.
6. Answer any three of the following in about 100-120 words:
a) Write the summary of any one of the following poems : i) An Epitaph
ANS- ‘An Epitaph’ is a short poem composed by Walter de la Mare. In this poem the poet deals with the transitoriness of human life and human relationship.
Here, the poet expresses his bad feelings for a very beautiful lady who has died. She was the most beautiful lady in the west country. She was light of step and heart. Her beauty was very attractive, but it is short lived. There is no way to save beauty from destruction. After her death, her beauty vanishes and passes. The poet loved her so much that when she was dead, he was weeping bitterly. He used to sit on her epitaph, where she was laid down. The poet feels that nobody will remember he after his death.
Thus, the poet means to say that beauty is not internal. It vanishes with the passage of time.
b) Write the summary of any one of the following prose-pieces :i) Indian Civilization and Culture
ANS- “Indian Civilization and Culture” is an important essay written by Mahatma Gandhi. In this essay Gandhiji describes the importance of Indian Civilization. He praises our ancient civilization and says that no other civilization of the world can be compared with our civilization.
According to Gandhiji, civilization is the way of conduct. It guides us to do our duty. It also teaches us the lesson of morality. It refers to good conduct and stresses our moral character. Our civilization is the most ancient and the strongest of all the civilizations of the world. Many civilizations in the world born and wasted. They changed by the change of time. But, our civilization has remained unchanged. Our civilization is the only civilization in the world which has not lost its glory. Gandhiji says that the Western civilization is inferior to the Indian civilization, because it is based on materialism and immorality. On the other hand the Indian civilization is based on spiritualism and morality. The intention of Indian civilization is to elevate the moral being while the Western civilization is to propagate immorality.
Thus, Gandhiji means to say that the Indian civilization is matchless. He says that the Indian civilization is superior to any other civilization in the world. It promotes moral development and real happiness
c) Discuss English as a global language.
ANS- To-day English is known as a global language, because no other language in the world is read and spoken in so many countries as it is. Naturally, it has become the language of international trade, commerce, science, technology and diplomacy. English was mainly the language of England, but it began to leave the shores of England and by the 19th country it was well on its way to becoming a world language. During 20th century, English firmly established itself as a world language and took a global shape. There are two main effects of this worldwide spread of English, which are following:-
(a) New national varieties of English, like American English, Australian English, Canadian English, etc. came into being.
(b) New varieties of English developed in countries, where English was not a mother-tongue, e.g., Indian English, Nigerian English etc.
Thus, we can say that English is a global language.
7. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A) ANS- Last Sunday, forest animals had a sports contest.
B) ANS- Ant Nima won the weightlifting competition and Elephant Woody lost it
C) ANS- Rapid couldn’t win the first prize Because he slept under a big tree.
D) ANS- The competition of France ceased for a time to be an important factor.I suddenly felt a searing pain in my foot.
Monthly Exam October | CLASS 12TH 2023-25 |